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Refrigerator Shelves – A Guide to Proper Care and Maintenance

Know something about Refrigerator Shelves? What about the Proper Care and Maintenance of refrigerator shelves? Nothing quite compares to the peace and satisfaction of a clean, well-maintained kitchen. Not only is it a joy to work in, knowing everything is exactly in place for you to reach over and grab to use, but it also feels really good in general. Just imagine, it is a Sunday morning, and you wake up shower, and head down to make breakfast for the family to eat together. As soon as you switch on the lights, a beautiful, sparkling, and squeaky clean area greets you. Who wouldn’t want to work in such a kitchen!

Unfortunately, while all of the pots and pans may be tucked away in cabinets and the electronics placed in their allocated spots, a part of your kitchen that can be a nightmare to clean and maintain is the refrigerator. It seems like no matter how often you wipe and wash; there is always a spillage or something getting spoiled that leaves a nasty smell behind. 

In addition, keeping a refrigerator organized can be quite a task too! While only the adults (especially those who cook) reach out into the pantry or the spice cabinet, your refrigerator shelves see the most action of all on a daily basis. Be it your adorable toddler trying to grab an apple or your son reaching in for a drink after a game of basketball; the fridge is a nightmare to keep clean!

That is why today, we put all our attention to this one kitchen appliance and everything you can do to ensure it stays clean and well-organized. Let’s dig in!

Why You Need Refrigerator Shelf Liners

Refrigerator shelves

Keeping a refrigerator free of any spills or leaks can be an unmanageable task. Nobody has time to clean out their refrigerator shelves every single day, after all. Unfortunately, these spills tend to marinate themselves onto the shelves and leave behind sticky, nasty stains if they aren’t cleaned up immediately. That is where refrigerator shelf liners come in to save the day!

Refrigerator shelf liners are the best way to keep your fridge organized, clean and odorless. They allow you to get rid of all the dirt and gunk that accumulates in your fridge on a weekly basis without having to scrub and wipe till your hands become raw. Moreover, they come with antibacterial properties that add on an extra layer of hygienic protection for your food, keeping it fresh and healthy for longer.

Here are some of the best refrigerator shelf liners you can pick out;

Managing Refrigerator Shelf Replacement 

Now that you know how to keep your refrigerator shelves clean using liners let’s see what you can do to repair or mend any cracked or broken shelves.

Refrigerator Shelf Replacement

Your first option is to remove the shelf and replace it with a new one. This is the fastest solution and will have your refrigerator at maximum storage capacity in no time. Replacement is the most practical thing to do if your refrigerator shelves have shattered or broken into numerous little pieces.

You can reach out to the refrigeration company and place an order for shelves that are meant for your fridge’s make and model. These usually come at a higher price point but are easier to obtain and work with.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly solution, you can measure the width and length of the refrigerator shelves and make or buy a fitting replacement. This will require more time and effort on your part but offers you a perfectly sterile surface to use as a shelf at half the cost.

Refrigerator Shelf Repairs

Refrigerator shelves

If your refrigerator shelf is cracked but not completely separated, you can repair it at home rather easily.

Here are the supplies you will need;

  • A clear, high-strength adhesive (this can be a silicon sealant or even super glue)
  • Acetone and a rag
  • Toothpicks

Follow these steps to repair your cracked refrigerator shelves quickly;

  1. Clear off all the things from the shelf and wash them carefully to remove any grime or spilled food. If you used tape to hold the shelf pieces together, remove it gently and use the acetone and rag to clean off any traces of adhesive left behind.
  2. Slowly pull the two edges of your refrigerator shelf apart. If your shelf parts are still somewhat holding together, instead of pulling them apart, you should push one half of the cracked part downwards while also pulling the other upwards. This will slightly expose the edges of the crack, and you can use a thin stick like the toothpick to hold the pieces apart while you work.
  3. With the two cracked pieces now separated, apply a thick layer of your adhesive on both sides of the crack, one stroke at a time. Make sure it is thick enough on both sides of the edges to hold them together.
  4. Using the acetone-soaked rag to wipe off the top and bottom of the now settled crack. This will clear off any excess glue and ensure you have a smooth, clean surface to place back in your refrigerator.
  5. Now, we wait. Leave your cracked refrigerator shelves to dry for 2 to 3 days at least, and then test their strength. If they feel sturdy enough, place them back in your fridge, cover them with refrigerator shelf liners, and you’re good to go!

Mending Broken Refrigerator Shelves 

Refrigerator shelves

If you have refrigerator shelves that have completely broken in half, don’t worry! All is not lost, and you can still save them as long as they fit together perfectly. Firstly, you will need to figure out how to remove the glass from the refrigerator shelf. Then, using the same technique mentioned above, you can glue them back together using an extra-strong adhesive. Just be sure to use a bar clamp to hold them perfectly together as you wait for the glue to dry.

For some extra support, you can apply for 1-inch metal plates across the refrigerator shelves. This will give them extra durability and the support they need to continue storing heavy containers without breaking apart again.

Tips to Remember for Organizing Your Refrigerator Shelves

You now have all the information you need to keep your refrigerators clean and well-maintained. We have also covered how you can fix any cracks or broken pieces. So now we move on to the most dreaded part of refrigerator shelf maintenance – the organization. 

We get it; it can be a handful to keep your refrigerator shelves maintained. However, with our super-effective tips, we are sure you will be a pro at the fridge organization in no time!

  • Empty Fridges are Bad; Overfilled Ones are Worse

Do you worry about something falling out whenever somebody opens the fridge? Then, it is time for a major declutter! This isn’t just a problem of being a food hoarder; it can actually cause your fridge vents to become blocked and impede the airflow. It reduces the energy efficiency of your appliance, causing the utility bills to skyrocket. Your refrigerator shelves won’t get enough airflow to keep things fresh, and your food will rot way before the expiration date.

Similarly, if your refrigerator shelves are empty, that’s no good either. Empty fridges should at least have a few water bottles to help the appliance maintain a cold temperature.

  • Avoid Pre-Cutting Your Fruits and Veggies

People often pre-cut fruits and veggies before storing them in the refrigerator to encourage healthy eating. Unfortunately, cut-up produce deteriorates faster since there is a larger surface area exposed to the external environment. A better practice is to wash everything and store it in the fruits and vegetable box, respectively.

  • Milk Shouldn’t Be in the Door

The warmest parts of your refrigerator are the top shelf and the door. Since dairy items like milk are highly liable to spoiling, they should be stored on the middle shelf instead of the door. This applies to eggs and sandwich meats too, which is a little ironic since most refrigerators come with egg compartments in the door. You should remove the egg tray and use that space to store condiments or other foodstuffs that don’t spoil easily.

  • Fruits and Vegetables Don’t Make Good Housemates

Newer fridges have separate compartments to store fruits and veggies. However, these are often right next to each other, and so, it can be tempting to stuff the leftover greens into the fruit section. DO NOT ever do this!

Let us explain the need for bold letters. Your vegetable compartment is calibrated specifically for high-humidity produce. This ensures that the greens don’t wild quite as quickly. On the other hand, the fruit compartment is set for low humidity to prevent fruit rot. Mixing them together in one box will result in either your fruits or the veggies spoiling before you have had the chance to consume them.

P.S. The ethylene released by the fruits can also cause vegetables to spoil.

  • Never Forget the Refrigerator Liners!

Lastly, as we mentioned above, never forget your refrigerator shelf liners. They are the absolute best way to keep your fridge clean without having to spend hours each weekend getting those icky gravy stains out.

Additional Tips on Proper Care and Maintenance of Refrigerator Shelves

There you have it, everything you should know to turn your refrigerator back into a place where food is properly stored. Long gone are the days when food went in there to die and be forgotten; instead, it is time to treat it like the blessing it is and ensure that nothing is wasted.

Remember to set aside time each weekend to re-organize and clean up any small messes that may have accumulated on your refrigerator shelves. Change the refrigerator shelf liners every month or so and keep those pesky leafy greens away from your yummy fruits.


Photo of author
Bree Chillson knows a thing or two about keeping food fresh in the chill of Anchorage, Alaska. With a Food Science degree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, she's mastered everything from the best freezing techniques to organizing your fridge like a pro. Bree started this blog to share her love for food preservation, offering tips and tricks to make your groceries last longer without sacrificing taste or nutrition. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, Bree is here to guide you through the world of food preservation, one delicious bite at a time.
Photo of author
Bree Chillson knows a thing or two about keeping food fresh in the chill of Anchorage, Alaska. With a Food Science degree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, she's mastered everything from the best freezing techniques to organizing your fridge like a pro. Bree started this blog to share her love for food preservation, offering tips and tricks to make your groceries last longer without sacrificing taste or nutrition. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, Bree is here to guide you through the world of food preservation, one delicious bite at a time.

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